[News] Super Class released and game setting adjustments
(1)Newbie channel disable PK in all Maps, there is no Club War,
and Club cannot be created in newbie channel. (2)Players report that cheater use potions to achieve super high recovery, so we have removed Rejuvenation items in NPC and game drop to avoid unfairness. On the other hand, reducing the drops of these items will help reduce server lag. (3)Ingame Npc added 10% HPSPMP Recovery-Rate FootRing [30D] for help players, Newbie gift box added Newbie Recovery-Rate [30D] FootRing . Lover heart HP+MP+SP Recovery Rate edited from 50% to 10%. (4)For smooth flow of players and avoid the waste of server resources, each IP address is allowed to login with 20 account, the overflow accounts will be disable for login. (5)After dismiss the club, the dissolution cannot be cancelled. (6)Added all game function to almost NPC/Bus station. Modified the stylefor bus/taxi station. (7)Adjust bus stops, the first line have most commonly used maps. (8)Remove all tasks to avoid bugs. Every Classes have same one task and get same 500 stats. (9)Closed three CW maps, just reserved one E-room and make 3x gifts for winner. (10)Added 1F to 12F maps for only drop: Armors\Weapons\Skill Books\Epoints. (11)1F/2F-Newbie maps can not PK. If you more than 280 level you can not get EXP. So we closed newbie channel. (12)Skills no need Talisman\Arrow\Bullets anymore. (13)Add pet card delete function in the website [same page with Delete Bike/Pet in Inventory]. (14)Added New Class: Super Class, learened Fighter\Arms\Archer\Spirit\Scientist\Assassin all skills and could use these class all weapons. You can update to Super Class via our web function [Update to Super Class], and that is the only way to get new class. There will be more interesting for research new combo skills. Char Reborn number\Level\EXP\Stat Points will keep same. (15)Added purchase conditions to the following items in the Mall (Account request topped up more than 1000 epoints before) : Beno Challenge Ticket (10 Minutes)Box/Auto UpLevel Card[7D][Box][Tradeable]/POWER UP Give Box(5P)/CP Full Fate Box/CP Full Fate Box[5PC]/CP Full Fate Box[10PC]/CP Full Fate Box[20PC]/Summon[Mia][7D]Box/Summon[Beno][7D]Box/Earth Element Head[7D]/Elec Element Head[7D]/Fire Element Head[7D]/Ice Element Head[7D]/Baby Devil Belt[7D]/Baby Ghost Belt[7D] (16)Char will be removed out the Instance Map after 3 hours. (17)Adjust Super Class skills: Gift of Life from 15% to 5%, Berserk Aura from 5% to 9% but just can used on self. EC Berserk Aura can not used on Super Class. Hp Max limited from 666666 to688888, attack still keep 666666. ![]() This patch is for full ver 0128- 0157 that cannot be automatically updated:
Solution for Launcher game get Error Number : 2 or 5, please check this news: http://en3.babyran.com/show.aspx?articleid=518 Patch for: Contact event was not occured, please check this news: http://en3.babyran.com/show.aspx?articleid=20664 |